What you need:
1 Yard of Each
-Gold Fringe Trim,
-Red Fringe Trim
-Gold Puffy Trim
10 Gold 1” Poms
Black Fabric Paint
Paint Sponges or Brush
Optional : Top Hat and/or Hula Hoop
Cut directly up the front center of the sweatshirt.
Next cut two 4” triangles from the front and back to create the shape for the jacket. You’ll be cutting a direct line to make the front go straight across leaving tails in the back.
Cut the sleeve to fit arms (you want it slightly short than your wrist)
Line up the gold fringe trim with the collar and down the center of the jacket (pin)
Trace and paint the lapels of the jacket. Glue the gold trim.
Next, take 6” (each)inches of red fringe trim and glue to each side of the lapel. Glue the remaining fringe to the bottom on the jacket (sizing varies)
With the gold puffy/tassel trim cut and 2 - 12” pieces for the epaulets on the shoulders. Fold in half and glue. Glue the remaining tassel/puffy trim about 2” from the bottom of the sleeve. Finish by gluing on the “pom buttons”. 3 pom per side down the front, then one on each side of the collar and one of each on the epaulets.

More No-Sew DIY Circus Costumes: Lion // Clowns // Strong Man

More No-Sew DIY Circus Costumes: Lion // Clowns // Strong Man
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