I personally love the holiday season, the lights, the smell and the warmth (unless you're last minute shopping at the mall then it's stress and anxiety, am I right?). So this year instead of staying home in a festively decorated house, I opted to go travel for 18 days, which has me wondering what on earth I was thinking, especially since I have 5 days to pack 4 people (including myself, and my shoes) for the city and the country. The fun I get myself into I tell you. So while you're looking at my snap shots from the week, I'll be attempting to fit an enormous amount of clothing, shoes, and scarves into a carry on...
What are you doing this weekend?
My New Love, Check back Monday for the full review...
(Can't wait until Monday? Get your first box for $5 w/ promo FRUGALISTADIARIES)
Upcoming DIY that's proving to be tougher than the others...
Aiden Enjoying his new found obsession "Chrisss-masss Lighhhhs"
and his Mini Tree
Getting cozy in my office, and ready for going back "home" with my mug...
Beautiful photos! Hope you enjoy your travels :)
I really love this post :) It's so fun to see peeks into lives of others, not in a creepy way tho LMAO!
If Little S. doesn't marry Aiden, I will.
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