Oh, hey Summer: we see you! You already know I've been leaning towards classic silhouettes this season and I knew that Jackie would probably feel the same way. Suspicions were confirmed when we both showed up to our Coney Island shoot wearing retro inspired styles! It was kismet, which is probably one of the easiest ways to describe our friendship.
That special kind of whimsy is why I'm SO excited that we finally came up with a hashtag for all of our adventures! I can't wait for everyone to follow along because it's only going to get better!
Ladies and Gentlemen: #JackieandMeganTakeOnTheir30s ! Sure it's a little wordy but it gets the job done. Because we just happen to be two ladies who are embarking on their 30's at totally different times in their life and it's kind of awesome. Let's do this! First up: a trip to Coney Island and a picture in front of the iconic Wonder Wheel courtesy of ItsChvnnel.
Shop our vintage-inspired outfits (and some of my favorite styles under $100) that I think belong in a summer wardrobe this season...

Fifteen Vintage Inspired Summer Pieces That You Need To Add To Your Cart Right Now
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