I'm that person that comes up with an idea in her head and immediately goes to Pinterest to check to if I'm crazy and if it can be (or has been) done.
That's basically exactly what happened when I decided my fridge needed a makeover. We're renting so replacing or painting was quickly out of the question. So, I did like any other DIY and wallpaper obsessed person would do when there's an eyesore staring at you - I covered it with removable wallpaper.
After a quick search on Pinterest I saw that it had been done so I immediately felt empowered to give it a go myself. In hindsight I probably should have consulted the tutorials instead of just looking at the pins but hey, I learned pretty quickly what was going to work and what was probably a huge mistake. Here we are about an hour of hard work later with a new and improved Fridge.
Wallpops was kind enough to send over a couple of rolls of Nuwallpaper in Summer Love, which could not be more perfect with the walls, backsplash (remember the DIY backsplash here), and cabinets. I LOVE the print and of course, if I ever tire of it I can peel it off and try something new.
I ended up only needing a roll to complete the entire fridge - but to be safe I always suggest you get a little more than you need - just in case.
Wallpops was kind enough to send over a couple of rolls of Nuwallpaper in Summer Love, which could not be more perfect with the walls, backsplash (remember the DIY backsplash here), and cabinets. I LOVE the print and of course, if I ever tire of it I can peel it off and try something new.
I ended up only needing a roll to complete the entire fridge - but to be safe I always suggest you get a little more than you need - just in case.
- Tips For Making The Process Flawless -
1. Clean Fridge and Surrounding Area
2. Remove Fridge Handles
(I had no idea they could be unscrewed and removed - in fact it was super easy)
3. Cover The Length Fridge With One Strip & Trim Later
Start at the top and slowly peel back the paper as you make your way to the bottom. Once you reach the bottom of the fridge cut the bottom off with about an inch to spare so you can fold it over the bottom of the fridge door and smooth. Line up the print at the top and repeat. Once the front is completely covered, take an exacto knife and cut the middle where the doors are and pull excess paper over edges and smooth.
4. The Sides Are Up To You
You can either skip the sides or only cover the part you can see from the counters up. Just pull the fridge away from the wall. Line up the paper and cover. It's wayyyyy easier to do than the front.
5. Trim Up The Odds and Ends
I made sure to leave a little extra room to trim up the odds and ends on the door. Our door edges are slightly curved so they need a little extra attention with the exacto knife and trimming. You can use some excess pieces to help fix any spots you may have botched (I have a few!)
- What You Need -
1-2 Rolls Removable Wallpaper Of Choice
Exacto Knife
Smoothing Tool
- After -
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